Nonimportation Agreements Date

In response to the non-import Boston agreement, Parliament finally struck down the Townshend Revenue Act taxes on all products except tea. The non-import agreements of the years leading up to the American Revolution were an effective tactic to protest British policy and put the Boston Patriots first and demonstrate to other colonies the potential for joint action. Following the successful boycott that Boston launched in 1768 with the Boston non-Import Agreement, the First Continental Congress of 1774 would pass a colonial ban on all trade with Great Britain. These figures show the impact of the situation on trade. There was a great depression in the 1760s, when the majority of non-import and taxation battles fought. Nevertheless, it is assumed that non-importation and the resulting depression were not only caused by unpopular acts. During this period, creditors and the investor asked for their money from colonial importers who were unable to repay their debts. To raise more money, they made the non-import so that they could sell their shares at higher prices. NONIMPORTATION AGREEMENTS were a series of trade restrictions introduced by American settlers to protest british income policy before the American Revolution. The British Stamp Act of 1765 triggered the first non-import agreements. In protest at the unrepresentation tax, New York merchants agreed to a collective embargo on British imports until Parliament lifted stamp duty, and they persuaded traders in Boston and Philadelphia to do the same. Under pressure from British exporters who lost their business, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act within a year.

Although Sons of Liberty`s involvement was indisputable in the affairs of the non-import agreements,[5] they were not the only ones opposing British rule. At the time without British luxury goods, tea or textiles, there seemed to be an opportunity for patriotic women to play a role in public affairs. [6] Although they did not join the public protest, they formed a strong group called Daughters of Liberty.